
Cándido Fernández Mazas - "harmonious multi-skilled individual" - in the words of Carlos Gurméndez, belongs to the young generation, born in the twentieth century, they die prematurely. For different geographical and personal avatars have remained in the shadows of history. Your life will pass couple to the evolution and the determining events of his century.

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Cándido Fernández Mazas. Los dibujos de París. 1925-1927
José Manuel Bouzas

"Here he suffers a brain under the heat of a star. Shortly before the catastrophe is released into the work. It develops here a profound tragedy; It is a tragedy, exemplary, a tragedy of nature. "

816. Diarios. Paul Klee.

Before the work of Cándido Fernández Mazas struggle in me two sentiments. A portion loyalty and gratitude to those few lines of plastic or literary expression, remembering, -and therefore impidiendo- immersion into oblivion, his death, his disappearance from memory, time and history. And on the other, the jealous custody intend to exercise over the wound site by indiscriminate and tendentious unwholesome, public and hopelessly looks.

Continue readingCándido Fernández Mazas. Los dibujos de París. 1925-1927
José Manuel Bouzas