
Mario, Laura, Dew, Rachel. 1926

Armando Fernández Mazas

Ourense, 1905 - 1996

Armando F. Mazas. 1934

Study Teaching and plays soccer with local teams in different sports name "Chocolito" O "Choco". There is a photograph of one of these teams in which Alexandre Vault, Inspector of Finance and editor of the Statute of Autonomy of Galicia 1936, which was the administrative club alongside fellow appears.

A.T.E.O. active trade unionist (Association of Education Workers of Ourense) framed within the union U.G.T. During the years before the Civil War, it militates since 1931 Communist Left Opposition, organization trostkysta character.

In 1932 he approves the opposition National Master and published under the pseudonym Jorge Pla several articles in the Journal of Education "School Work”. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he tried to join the fight alongside the miners in the Bierzo area, traveling on foot to Puentes de Domingo Florez; upon learning of the defeat, he returns and remains in hiding for four years in Penedo, until his brother Cándido dies. In 1942 he moved to Castro Laboreiro, in the mountains, in Portugal, and stayed there for five years along with other colleagues such as Rodríguez Colmenero. To broaden the geographical-political-cultural context in which those five years of his life unfolded, see the article by Américo Rodrígues, Refugees and anti-Franco guerrillas in Castro Laboreiro (1936–1943). Cultural Bulletin nº 10. Municipal Chamber of Melgaço, 2018. In 1947 he tried, for four months, to go to France or England from Bilbao, failing to do so, he went to Valencia with his comrade and friend Juan Rodríguez Dever, where eight live under a false identity. years. Both arrested in 1955, they entered the Carabanchel prison, where a court-martial was held for them. They are released subject to military record. He rejoined the Magisterium in 1963, until his retirement in 1975. From that year he dedicated himself to compiling and investigating the life of his brother Cándido de él. He passed away suddenly in 1996.

Books published by Armando Fernández Mazas

(Click on image to enlarge):

Mario Fernández Mazas

Ourense, 1920 - 1937

Mario F. Mazas. 1936

younger brother Cándido Fernández Mazas. Children activist along with his friends, Luis Varela Amadeo Taboada Camoeiras and publish the magazine "Spartacus". Imprisoned by these facts, it is aimed at the head, via La Coruna, Zaragoza and Teruel. He is killed according to the official version by a stray bullet -in fact a ajusticiamiento because the body had a bullet in his back in the town of Cella Teruel. His early death prevented its full potential to develop. It showed large plastic qualities, like his brother Candido, and was also a brilliant debater, his articles appeared signed as MA MA FER. At the beginning of the war he was preparing to begin his medical studies.

Obituary for the eighth anniversary of Mario Fernández Mazas included in the obituary for the first anniversary of his father and the third for his brother Cándido. The region. Ourense, December 11, 1945.

Aida Fernández Mazas

Aida Fernández Mazas. 1930

Laura Fernández Mazas, Raquel, Rocío and Aida

Each of the sisters Fernández Mazas had a well-defined task in the family, seized or the garden, or cleaning and cooking or engaging in work embroidery and lace custom or selling in stores most prestigious of the city, as was the case of dew.

Aída worked for many years, the entirety of her working life until her retirement, as secretary of the Orense Medical College, being in charge of three administrative assistants. She was the most intellectual of all her sisters. She was mainly interested in French authors Zola, Balzac, although Spanish poetry was not unknown to her: Machado, Juan Ramón, José Ángel Valente are authors who were in her library. The influence of her older brothers was decisive in her formation. She said that Candide examined her from Balzac.

Hasta el final de su vida se mantuvo activa intelectualmente interesándole tanto el transcurso de la vida política e intelectual española, como cualquier cuestión cultural. Su posicionamiento personal durante la celebración de la exposición antológica de su hermano Cándido, hizo que vetase al Ayuntamiento de Orense presidido por Manuel Cabezas Enríquez del Partido Popular, por considerar que su actitud y posicionamiento no había sido el correcto durante los trámites y gestión sobre el Cementerio de San Francisco de Orense y sobre el Plan de Urbanismo, que a día de hoy está invalidado por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Galicia.

His intuition rarely failed, regarding emerging political careers and their opinion was equally accurate with respect to the drift of the Catholic Church. It was defined as agnostic and one of the books that interested him more deeply in his later years, and commented with passion, What they believe the unbelieversThe correspondence between Umberto Eco and Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini. It was the longest of all the brothers Fernández Mazas. He died in 2010 at age 99.

Rocío Fernández Mazas

Rocío Fernández Mazas. 1931